About Abbi

          I couldn't think of what exactly to say about myself, so I thought I'd fill out one of those survey things. It's pretty long. My Jo complained because she said it wouldn't fit into the little window space she had for it. However, she put a scroll bar over there for me so that you could see it all. If you don't want to see it all, you can just stop reading and click on something else. It won't hurt my feelings, mostly because I won't know.

What is your full name?
My name is Abbigail Aynne Adams Hackney Weewax. The Weewax is not actually part of my legal name, but I like it.

Do you have any nicknames?

What are the nicknames?
They are Abs, Abbidab, Abanad, Abracadabra, Abadabadoo, Abbidale, Weewaxer, Little Piece of Poo, Rotten Piece of Poo, Poo, and Boo.

When is your birthday?
It is June 17, 2003, and I share it with my cousin.

What is your breed?
I'm a Yorkshire Terrier.

Who are your owners?
My owners are my Daddy, my Grammy, and my Jo. My Jo doesn't live with me anymore, but she is still my owner. There are also people who aren't my owners, but I love them very much.

Who are the people who aren't your owners, but that you love very much?
I love Ed, Sam, and Mac most of the people who are not my owners. I have lots of friends. If I try to list them all, I will leave someone out and they might be mad. So I won't.

What are your hobbies?
I like to sleep, eat, and play. The games I like to play are Chase and Love Abbi. I like to play with my toys too. I have lots because my Jo always buys me a toy when she goes to the mall. My favorites are my pink bone (which got lost once), my tug toy, my polka-dotted squeaky ball, my little red bone, my Titleist Pro V1, and Santa when he's out for Christmas. I also like to wait for someone I love to come through the door. I also like to chase animals littler than me. Sometimes I catch them! I also like to go on trips in the car, but only to fun places.

What are your anti-hobbies?
I hate baths. I hate brushings. I hate it when people shock me accidentally. I hate people leaving. I hate to go on trips in the car to places that aren't fun, like to get my nails cut, to the vet (even though I like Dr. Steve), to Chicago, or to the beach. I hate rain. I hate frogs, even though I try to catch them still after I had a bad experience with one. I hate lettuce. I hate lemons. Some of those aren't anti-hobbies, but they're things I hate, so they fit.

Is there anything wrong with you?
I don't have any diseases or anything, but I have a speech impediment. I also have a brown spot on my nose that wasn't there when I was born. It's gotten bigger over time. I think it's done growing though. My Jo thinks it's a cute spot.

What's your favorite color?
I like pink, white, yellow, green, and blue. That's why my web site is the way it is. Also, I don't like it when people tell me I can't see colors because I'm a dog. Hello, how could I tell you I like colors if I couldn't see them? Duh.

What's your favorite number?
I like 17 because that's my birthday.

What's your favorite day?
I like any day that all my family and closest friends are around and want to play with me or pat me.

What's your favorite season?
I like Spring because that's when all the good bugs come out to play. The Summer bugs bite back.

What are your favorite foods?
I like peanut butter, fries, steak, popcorn, and puppy cookies best, but I'll eat anything but lettuce and lemons.

What's your favorite word?
I have a few. I like cookie, Jo, Ed, Daddy, Grammy, do you want to go, and treat.

What are your favorite places?
I like home. I don't really like anywhere else.

Do you have a boyfriend?
No, but I think Earl from Mutts (in the funny papers), is cute.

Do you have any habits?
I give everyone a good greeting when they come in the door. I also like to brush back my feet every time I jump down from somewhere.

Do you have any special talents?
I ring a bell when I need to or want to go outside.

Have you ever killed anything?
Yes. I am the world's most loving puppy, but I'm a huntress by nature. I've killed several ground squirrels and shrews. I killed a frog once, but he poisoned me. I try to get birds and snakes and the occasional turtle, but I haven't been too successful. I like to smash ants with my nose.

If you could relive one moment from your life, what would it be?
I would relive a moment before my Jo moved away. I would give her more kisses.

What is your favorite kitchen appliance?
This is a dumb question.

Can you touch your nose with your tongue?

Can you juggle?
This is also a dumb question. I don't have opposable thumbs.

What's your favorite thing about yourself?
I like my tail. My Jo says it wags cute.

Finish this statement: If I were a...
...person, I'd use my opposable thumbs to open the door and go outside whenever I wanted without having to wait on someone after I'd rung the bell.

Finish this statement: I wish...
...my people were with me all the time.

Finish this statement: So many people don't know that...
...I hold grudges. If someone accidentally steps on me or shocks me or sets a basket on my head, I won't talk to them or go near them until I've forgotten about it, which is usually the next day or the day after that.

Finish this statement: I am...
...happy my Jo made me a web site. We don't get to see each other much anymore, so it was a nice thing to do to feel close to each other.

Finish this statement: My heart is...
...so big. I love everybody.